Fuse Coaching &
Non-Profit Organizations

At Fuse, we are committed to empowering non-profit organizations and cooperatives who are making an impact in their communities, and creating positive changes in the world.


We do this by providing coaching to you and/or your team addressing the issues that matter most to you.

We will work with you to identify areas of opportunity and co-create a plan that will help you evolve. Each organization faces different challenges so it’s important to tailor your coaching experience to your needs.

Our coaches are seasoned professionals who bring different knowledge, skills and abilities to our cooperative. They come from different backgrounds and cultures, and we value and strive for diversity.

All of our coaches have graduated from coaching programs accredited by the International Coaching Federation. They are trained and experienced in coaching individuals and teams. Coaching at Fuse is a way for them to give back to causes they feel passionate about and gain valuable coaching experience.

We work on a sliding scale to fit any budget, often offering pro-bono coaching. We have created a structure that will not let financial restrictions prevent you from accessing coaching.

Topics that may benefit from coacing

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”


Reach out today if you would like to learn more about what Fuse can bring to you and your team.